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Selectmen Minutes 07/02/2008
Chichester Board of Selectmen
July 2, 2008

MEMBERS PRESENT:  Chairman DeBold, Selectman MacCleery, Selectman Jordan and Administrator Lisa Stevens.  

Others present: Karen Lingner, Chris Weir, Mark Drew, Matt Cole, John Uitts, and Darryl Wyatt

Chairman DeBold opened the meeting 7:00pm.  

Mr. Christopher Weir will be video taping the meeting this evening.

SUBJECT: Road Advisory Committee appointment
PRESENT: Richard Millette

The Board requested to meet with Mr. Millette to discuss his interest in becoming a member on the Road Advisory Committee.  Chairman DeBold explained they were foregoing the routine list of questions because they had gone through the process recently with Mr. Millette regarding his appointment to the Board of Adjustment.

Mr. Millette explained he has no agenda, his interest is in seeing that the roads are maintained, he realizes there is a long term plan in place but not a short term plan and cited as an example the lack of roadside mowing leading to the vegetation tearing up the sides of the roadways.  He is also a taxpayer in this town and wants to make sure things are cost effective.

Chairman DeBold stated that attendance is crucial to membership on any board or committee.  Selectman MacCleery offered that since Mr. Millette has joined the BOA his attendance has been very good.

Mr. Millette also stated he did not want to step on anyone’s toes, that he had heard there was another interested party.  The Board stated there are several openings available on this committee.

Selectman Jordan stated his opinion was that Mr. Millette would make a great addition to the committee.

Motion Selectman MacCleery, second Selectman Jordan to appoint Richard Millette to the Road Advisory Committee.  The vote was unanimous, motion carries.


The Board reviewed the additional quote received and the follow-up information Lisa obtained from the State EMS Office regarding the required protocol for Paramedics to follow when administering a specific combination of medicines.  These medicines must be infused through a mechanical pump. Matt Cole summarized the reasoning behind the request for Chairman DeBold who was absent at last week’s meeting.  The Fire Department is requesting the purchase of a refurbished unit utilizing the department’s impact fees.

The Board had stated the following reasons for delaying action on this request: a third written quote was necessary per the adoption of the town’s purchasing policy; timing of notice given to town to mandate this piece of equipment; full board in attendance.

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July 1, 2008

Lisa submitted her findings to the Board from her discussion with Vicky Blanchard at the State EMS office.      Every two years the EMS board rolls out new protocols (rules specific EMS providers must adhere to when addressing a patient’s level of care) - All towns within the state are sent informational packets well in advance of when/what the meetings are going to entail. - The town had a representative at this roll out meeting at Concord Hospital – Joyce Vien. - The town can continue to operate in the manner they have, utilizing ALS Intercept when a paramedic level is needed, just would not be able to administer these specific medicines under very specific types of trauma. - Can wait till next budget cycle to purchase one, a refurbished unit is okay, does not have to be multi channel, just mechanical, can try to be included in the hospital’s bulk ordering of such protocol equipment.

Matt Cole offered additional support of the purchase by citing the benefit of the multi channel unit is the interoperability with surrounding town’s personnel who often respond to our medical calls.  The multi channel pump allows for the medicine to be administered simultaneously instead of a single drip method, one medicine at a time; the multi channel has an additional feature known as a drug library built in which takes the guess work out of dosage conversion.

Chairman DeBold asked if this would be a new piece of equipment for the department.  All three quotes are for refurbished units as the cost is substantially lower than a brand new unit.  Chairman DeBold inquired what the urgency was, what has prompted this?  Mr. Cole responded that the Concord Department where he is employed just got theirs and he was relaying that information during the Chichester department’s officers meeting.

Selectman Jordan asked how many qualified people are on the roster to use this piece of equipment.  Mr. Cole answered three, myself, Malinda Weir and a Loudon ambulance crew member.

Selectman MacCleery asked if the Loudon crew was full-time.  Matt replied not at the paramedic level or the intermediate level and Loudon ambulance does not have one of these pumps at this time.  Selectman MacCleery wondered if this was not another unfunded mandate by the State.

Deputy Chief Uitts commented that the reason the department was asking now was for the use of the impact fee money, if applicable.

Matt stated that the State is cracking down on following procedures. Selectman MacCleery suggested the request be made to the Ladies Benevolent Society. Matt also explained that the pump is required for use on a pediatric patient, the demographics could be anybody from birth through old age, there are less people available from the city to assist on calls at the paramedic level, right now the department has one active member, him, and he is available four days a week.  Tri-town ambulance, Northwood and Concord have purchase refurbished units exactly like this from vendor Boundtree.   At this time the need would only be to supply one ambulance with a pump.  This is that one piece of equipment that may sit on the shelf for a long time but when needed, you will have it.   Chairman DeBold stated he liked the idea of having this available to Chichester and that this is addressing the department’s needs.  The prices were reviewed once again, $1,556, $1,250 and $1,719.  Motion Chairman DeBold, second Selectman MacCleery to authorize the Fire Department to purchase the Alaris Medical System III Infusion Pump (refurbished) for the amount of $1,250, monies to come from the fire department’s impact fees. The vote was unanimous.  

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Mr. Drew addressed the Selectmen to clarify rumors he has heard out on the street regarding his business on Horse Corner Road as “illegal” and that the town would not do business with him because of it.  Mr. Drew has approached the Road Agent with a business innovation about filling the sand and salt shed with material from his lot.  The Road Agent stated his concerns to Mr. Drew that by anyone doing business with Mark would be breaking the law.  Mark questioned the Selectmen as to whether or not they had given any directive to the town employees in that regard.  Chairman DeBold responded no, a directive has not been given from the Board of Selectmen.  Selectman MacCleery asked Mr. Drew if he had a conveyor. Mr. Drew responded yes.  The salt shed is designed specifically for a conveyor process to fill the shed.  Mr. Drew stated the cost of a conveyor is around $60,000; the town would not want to buy one but could rent his.  Again Mr. Drew asked for an answer from the Board on whether or not the town would do business with him.  Chairman DeBold stated perhaps the terminology Mark was using was the issue; certainly the business is operating right now without a permit from the Planning Board. Mr. Drew stated it is a matter of opinion whether I am doing anything illegal or not.  I did the same thing with Weaver Brothers last year; the State would not do something illegal.  Selectman MacCleery stated the town does not ask other vendors that bid on projects whether or not they have the proper permits in their towns to operate. Mr. Drew stated he wanted the opportunity to bid on materials, he is hearing all this plunkey around town that the Planning Board is going to require he has running water and a toilet.  Chairman DeBold stated that is not a Board of Selectmen issue that Mr. Drew needed to keep his appointment with the Planning Board. The Selectmen can not speak for what Mr. Drew is hearing or for what the Planning Board may be saying.  

Motion Selectman MacCleery, second Chairman DeBold to withdraw $875.00 from the Town Facilities Capital Reserve Fund to reimburse the General Fund for the expense to repair the roof of the snack shack.  The vote was unanimous.

Selectman MacCleery was not able to locate any material on a sidewalk policy previously adopted by the town.  Lisa’s further research did not turn up anything either.  The Board discussed the option of establishing a policy now.  Thoughts were to include no maintenance during October 15 – April 15 of every year.  Lisa was directed to put together a draft for the Board’s review next week.

Selectman MacCleery informed Chairman DeBold about last week’s discussion with department heads concerning protocol for complaints/concerns the Selectmen receive from residents.  Selectman MacCleery continued by expressing the discontent shown from at least two department heads and that the discussion in his opinion got to the point of being heated.  Selectman MacCleery even asked for the opinion of former Selectman Ted Bailey who happened to be at the meeting last week.  Selectman MacCleery cited caution as to following the Right to Know Law (RSA 91-A) as it pertains to one Selectman cannot make decision on his/her own.  Chairman DeBold is for keeping the policy open, he stated the department heads deserve to be able to address the concerns/issues first, the residents have to afford the department’s the opportunity to address the issue, he did not see a problem with RSA 91-A.  Lisa cited the department heads concerns that were stated; possibility of two-week wait in between Selectmen meeting with the department heads, not knowing whether or not they have already handled the issue, same/ongoing issue or complainant, defensibility/authenticity of accusation.  In the past, a gentleman’s agreement was in place, no written policy, that the Selectmen would contact the department head and let the department head deal with the matter first, the department heads asked why that had changed.  After further discussion, the Board decided a written policy was not needed, but rather the intention of the Board of Selectmen was to allow the department head first opportunity to deal directly with the resident or complaint in a timely manner (24 – 48 hours initial response) before a Selectman would override the department head’s authority.  
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The Board stated for the record, that residents will be notified to contact the department head directly and then once no response or follow-up has taken place, the Selectmen will intervene.  This in no way prevents any resident from addressing their concern or complaint at a Selectman’s meeting.    This procedure is followed already regarding complaints that come through the Selectman’s office.  Lisa will forward all department head contact numbers to Selectman MacCleery.   

Selectman Jordan stated he had received a question from a resident requesting to schedule the use of the town shed to repair their private vehicle.  Selectman Jordan inquired what the town’s policy was in such cases. The other Board members stated that was a permitted use when in the case of an individual being  contracted with the town under the plow contract, only when working for the town, minor repairs only.  

Resident Dick Millette expressed his opinion that it was up to the contractor to maintain their own equipment and this would be a bad precedent to allow private use of town facilities and further what about the liability to the town.  Lisa will research past discussions on this topic and the Board will address with the Road Agent at next week’s meeting.

Chairman DeBold was updated on the discussion with Moderator Hall regarding the need for additional voting booths prior to the General Election in November.  The Board agreed to purchase the necessary equipment similar to what the town is using currently and not the cardboard tabletop booths.  Lisa was directed to follow up with Mr. Hall and bring back a firm price to the Board prior to purchase.  The expense will be charged to the administrative impact fees as these additional booths are required per number of registered voters and a result of growth to the town.

Lisa reported her findings regarding posting Center Road to ‘No Thru Trucking”.  Should the town wish this to be enforced by the police department, an ordinance must be adopted by the Board of Selectmen.  A sample was reviewed by the Board, Lisa was directed to confer with the department heads for their input and bring a draft to the Board for next week.

Lisa reported on the status of the outstanding zoning complaints on file –
Patten – Staniels Road – excessive unregistered vehicles – Chairman DeBold was scheduled to make a site visit to determine compliance.  Chairman DeBold has not inspected at this time, further action tabled until next week.

Doucette – Kelly Corner Road – excessive unregistered vehicles/junk – A police spot check last week confirmed vehicles/junk still excessive, no contact to date from the homeowner as requested by the Board, deadline is July 7th for a response or compliance.  The Board directed Lisa to request a site visit from the police department next Monday or Tuesday and forward those findings to the Board.

Smirnioudis – Connemara Drive – incomplete building project – Selectman Jordan will make a site visit to determine completion of siding project.

New complaints received – ‘illegal businesses’-  operating without a Home Occupation Permit from the Planning Board.
                2 Pound Road – Weir Construction – attached to the complaint filed was a recent newspaper flyer advertising types of work performed.  

Mr. Weir was in attendance and discussed this complaint with the Board.  The flyer does not list an address because the address is dependant upon the job secured.  
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The activity does not take place at his residence.  Chairman DeBold asked where the 736 phone number was located.  Mr. Weir reserved his right not to answer, that was irrelevant to the requirements of the Home Occupation Ordinance.  Mr. Weir stated for the record that if he felt he was running a home business he would have gone before the Planning Board, as a member of the PB he is well aware of the zoning and requested the Board read the stipulations listed under the Home Occupation.  
        Article II, Section F, Home Occupation – 1. Home Occupation Requirements (specifically)
                b) The home occupation shall be operated by an inhabitant of the dwelling unit on the premises in which the occupation will be operating.  

Mr. Weir reiterated, the occupation does not occur at my residence.  After discussion with Mr. Weir, the Board was satisfied that Mr. Weir was not running an un-permitted business out of his home.

        107 Canterbury Road – Mayville residence-no supporting documentation was presented.  The Board directed Lisa to notify the complainant to supply the office with documentation to substantiate the complaint.

The Board reviewed a proposal from the Local Government Center for administration of Unemployment Services.  Lisa has solicited the proposal due to the substantial increase in premium from the town’s current carrier, Primex.  This proposal represents a $3,700 reduction in cost to the town.  Cancellation of the current policy requires ninety days notification.  The Board unanimously agreed to the change, effective January 2009.  Lisa will send the necessary notification to both parties.   

The Board discussed the request for commitment and funding from Central Regional Planning Commission for a grant that would realize a Route 28 Corridor Study.  Lisa received clarification that a Letter of Intent was all that was needed at this time.  The $1,400.00 could be placed in next year’s budget.
The Board voted not in favor, 2-1.  MacCleery & Jordan - no; DeBold – yes. This item will be referred to the Planning Board for their consideration.

Lisa requested the week of July 21st off for vacation.  The Board approved.  

There remain several vacancies on various boards/committees.  The Board suggested a notice on the town sign.  Lisa will address.  

The minutes of June 24, 2008, were approved as written.  

Mail and correspondence were reviewed. Accounts payable and payroll were signed.

Motion Selectman MacCleery, second Selectman Jordan to adjourn the meeting at 9:12pm.  The vote was unanimous.

Respectfully submitted,                                                 

Lisa Stevens                                                            Approved As Written
Administrator                                                                   7/8/2008

______________________            _______________________         _______________________  
Richard DeBold, Chairman                  Stephen MacCleery               Jeffrey Jordan